Sunday, March 18, 2012

Orgasmic Yoga

Oooh! La La! Yesterday was Day 5 of my intensive Green Womb Yoga Detox. I am on a 31 day self-care regimen of loving myself in a different and whole new creative way. And its an exciting journey with each day dazzling me and feeding me so lovingly. I am resolving and dissolving that which is within me that hampers and stagnates my growth, my development; that which stands in the way of being one with the divine, that which obscures my ability to see life and all that's in it with the eye of my heart; that which hinders my ability to truly live and love in bliss; that which was harbored within the tissues, the muscles, the organs, hidden within the cells, the vibrational, all inclusive dimensions of my being. They are all magically dissolving because of this powerful engagement with my womb. And it womb has never been happier!

My life is entrenched with RITUALS. I've enjoyed and benefited from rituals since I was a little girl. It's so beautiful that the word SPI-RITUAL contains 'ritual' in it. (I wonder what the prefix word "spi" means? Anyone?) Each day I rise with the Sun and move with the Moon. I do daily rituals which includes self-care moments of self-touch before I get out of bed, sunrise fire meditation (agnihotra), Green Womb Yoga, dancing, writing. I feel faaaantastic! My body hasn't felt this way since I was a little girl and those years were definitely ones with greater freedom, flexibility and fun. They say life begins in and comes from the Womb. To me it makes perfect sense to find and uncover the life force by returning to the Womb.

During my Green Womb Yoga on this day, the sexual energies in my body slowly, gradually, sensually and peacefully creeped up from within, moving through me from the center of my yoni-verse, the point of creation and through every cell of my body, into my finger tips and toes....erupting into an orgasmic peak while I laid in the butterfly pose. It took me by surprise and blossomed sweetly like a rose between my legs.

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