Monday, May 14, 2012

Moon Lyrics for the Last Quarter

The Moon's last quarter began on Saturday the 12th of May and will be in effect until Wednesday, the 16th @ 4:24 pm EDT. During the Disseminating phase we were instinctively more social and outgoing and we were poised to gather and disseminate what was gained since the New Moon. During this last quarter, we are intuitively assessing our prior moves this cycle, realizing that there are doors we opened that didn’t take us where you wanted to go. There were enemies we battled that dissolved into windmills. Dissatisfaction this phase is meant to make us wiser the next time around. No matter how the surrounding world behaves now, we need to recognize that our frustrations result more from our inner conditions. The task is to let go of illusions and face s-e-l-f. It’s not so bad. After the shedding we feel stronger.

This phase is like a monthly turn from autumn into winter. Let your many thought-leaves go. Admire the bare limbs of your essential nature. If you’re feeling restless, it may be that you’ve got a creative streak ahead of you. Don’t waste it battling those who “just don’t get it.” Not everyone sees around the next curve. Enjoy this pause. The time for action comes again at the next New Moon. Gather your will; sharpen your intentions. Breathe like an aware Buddha. Smile like the wise goddess you are.

Relax with a little Analysis

To get the most from the Last Quarter Moon, make time for introspection. When something feels wrong this phase, ask, what I you need to release? This phase doesn’t always have to be gloomy, however. It’s just astrological tradition to focus on tension because of the LQ’s stressful square between the Sun & Moon. This is also a visionary time. Your psyche instinctively turns to the future.

The Last Quarter phase is a good time for positive (as opposed to anxious) wondering, as in “I wonder what will happen next?” Questions are powerful invitations, hollowing out a space for new information and experiences to come our way. We’re not trying to solve anything. We’re allowing our minds to expand for the possibilities that are just around the corner. The day’s Moon sign may help to send us wondering in optimum directions. Of course words aren’t the only expression of energy or mood. COLORS each play their own tune and resound vibrational messages as well. It is amazing to observe that on certain days, many are dressed in the same colors; also fascinating is noting who isn’t in tune!

Moon signs rule colors too. They often coincide with a day’s prevailing color trend. But just as with other Moon rules, this is not a pat formula. We choose colors to inspire us, to bring a new balance, to express our moods. Note which colors you’re drawn to on certain Moon sign days. Are you in tune? You may be choosing an alternate color to help you deal with the day’s energy. Over time we may come to notice personal or collective patterns.

Sunday morning, the moon shifted into the waters of Pisces at 7:42am EDT. Like Rodney Dangerfield, the invisible world often complains that it gets no respect. Don’t make that mistake today. Allow yourself to wander in worlds you can’t touch or see. Music can take you there as it did with me yesterday during Mother's Day. I sat out on the back deck as though I had put on my dancing attire to join Nature's choreography. I felt like I was in the mist of a morning symphony. I was aware of the birds soprano, the bass of the sun, the drum beats from those animals or creatures with feet. Pisces rules the feet so I moved my feet accordingly, so that the sounds of nature and the pulse of the earth would move through me. I also gave my feet the pampering it needs during this time. Ask yourself “What do I imagine?” This is a water Moon—fluid and formless. Its colors are dreamy ones: lavender, sea green, the splash of a rainbow. What are your dreams speaking to you during this moon phase? Pay attention.

Feet Art by Ayida Honor

On Tuesday @ 5:45 pm EDT, the moon waters begin to heat up with the fiery nature of Aries: The day’s mood might be hot-tempered, impulsive, impatient or enthusiastic and full of desire. Observe how others are expressing these qualities you feel in you, especially if you are challenged in expressing them yourself. Don't get mixed up, just watch and feel those energies as they exist inside of you. Own them! Keep yourself inspired (or slow yourself down) by pausing to wonder “Who am I?” Ask this throughout the day and remind yourself of the answers as you’re falling asleep. The Aries moon is a fire Moon. Its colors are bright and stimulating: oranges, reds, and burgundies. Where ever the moon moves through in your life on a personal level - the 6th (daily work, routine, health) and 7th house (committed relationships, partnerships, open enemies) respectively for me - you may need to do some trimming away of that which no longer holds up and supports your wholeness. Get ready to welcome the fire goddess as she rises from within the flames of your soul to do her monthly young fire dance on Wednesday @ Thursday!

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