Monday, May 9, 2011

Her Green Womb

Deep inside Her green womb 
Is where I lost myself
So I could find myself

Deep inside Her green womb
Is where I found Her love
Felt Her eternal embrace
Looked into the eyes of Her
    beautiful face

Attached to Her green womb
Is where I climbed
Climbed up over Her rocks and
    thru Her cracks
Her cracks where my fears lied
Where my fears lied deep inside
Deep inside the cracks of my mind

I climbed Her rocks
Climbed Her to the top
The top where I could breathe Her in
Breathe in Her wind's breath freely
Her top where I sat in the midst of
    the calm of Her beauty 

On Her top where I could view
Where I could view Her green vast beauty true
Her beauty true that I was birthed out of
Birthed out of from...
Her beauty true of Her green open womb

Then down Her path I descended
Descended down Her path
Her path that I followed
Followed thru Her grove of green calm
Her green grove of calm that was filled with
    the silence of Her trees mysteries
Her trees silent mysteries of their
    quietly changing colors
Colors changing quietly within
Colors that changed me quietly within
Changed me quietly within the calm beauty
    of Her green womb

For Her green womb
Is where I found Her love
Is where I felt Her eternal embrace
Is where I saw the calm of Her
    beautiful face

For Her green womb
Is where I lost myself
To find myself
Deep inside Her green womb

by savvy-10/14/2001... 

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